Questions About Pest Control? Here Are The Answers

All homeowners know about the stress caused by pests. These annoying critters can take over your home during extremely inconvenient times. There are many ways to handle pests. Included in this article are tips for ways to handle pests.

If you find a lot of flying bugs or even bats inside your home, check the screens on your windows. Not only do they keep out the flying pests, but they help to keep out small crawling insects as well. Fix any holes you find and replace the screens if they are damaged.

Are you dealing with ants? Use a mix of borax and sugar to eradicate them. While the smell of sugar will attract them, the borax will kill them. A cup of borax and a cup of sugar will do it. Make holes in the lid and sprinkle it on your home’s baseboards and foundation.

There may be standing water hiding in your home, and you need to root it out. Pests are drawn to standing water. Do a thorough job of checking your pipes for leaks, and remember to empty the trays from beneath your house plants. All pests require water to be able to survive in your home.

Fleas are notorious for being hard to kill, but there are some steps you can take. The first step to effectively ridding your home of fleas is to vacuum daily, then spray with an effective flea spray. Remember to throw away your vacuum bag after vacuuming your house.

When considering new trees for your yard, pay attention to where you place them, keeping them away from your house. Rodents can enter your home more easily if they can climb a tree and drop onto your roof. They should be about 15 or more feet from your house.

You may need to inspect your plumbing if you have a chronic pest problem. Make sure your pipes are unplugged. This includes both your indoor and outdoor plumbing. Organic matter forms in these drains, creating a big attraction for roaches and flies. Check drains once a month to ensure they are free of clogs.

If trees fall in the yard, clear the debris promptly. Chop it up to make firewood. You can sell it, use it yourself, or even give it to others. Do not forget to dispose of the stump, as well. A stump is simply dead wood, which attracts termites.

Use plastic storage containers when storing dry food items. Lots of these products are sold in boxes or bags, which can be easily breached by pests. Every time you shop, transfer the dry goods into the plastic bins, and make sure that these are tightly sealed. Not only will this keep pests out, but it’ll help you make sure your foods stay fresh longer.

Make sure you research which types of pests are entering your home. Know what is toxic to the animals, and also know what tends to attract them. Adjusting your methods based on the pest is critical.

Nowadays, you have many choices when it comes to pest control. The best methods are safe and effective. The pests need to be gone, but your family needs to be safe.