Monthly Archives: March 2023

How to Install Snow Guards on Metal Roof

One of the best ways to prevent snow from sliding off metal roofs is with snow retention systems. Snow can slide off your roof without snow guards, snow rails or any other form of snow fence.

Steps to Install Snow Guards on a Roof

Installing snow guards on a metal roof is an important step in protecting the roof and preventing damage from snow and ice accumulation. Here are the steps to install snow guards on a metal roof:

  1. Determine the placement of the snow guards: The placement of the snow guards will depend on the slope of the roof, the amount of snowfall in the area, and the size of the roof. Typically, snow guards are placed at least two feet from the roof edge and spaced evenly across the roof.
  2. Clean the roof surface: Before installing the snow guards, the roof surface must be cleaned of debris, dirt,